The first and foremost thing about multivitamins is to take them as they will help prevent the development of any possible deficiencies that exist because of the inability to consume a balanced diet on a daily basis.  Another important thing that we should remember is to take multivitamins whenever we are most likely to take them on a regular basis, meaning at that time when we are less likely to forget taking the multivitamins.

Whether it is morning, afternoon, or night; it does not matter as much as it matters to take that multivitamin of yours regularly. There are certain vitamins and nutrients that can be more beneficial if taken during a particular time of the day. Let us know more about the best time to take multivitamins and get a thorough understanding of how different vitamins influence our health when taken at different times of the day. The absorption of certain vitamins is better when consumed with fats, which is another angle to getting the best out of taking multivitamin supplements.

The best time to take multivitamins might be the morning time along with the meal or before bedtime, depending on the composition of your multivitamin supplement. What vitamins are you consuming and to achieve which health benefits matter while deciding on the best time to take multivitamins. Presented below are guidelines that can help you get the best out of a multivitamin supplement.

  1. Talk to your doctor or healthcare service provider: Your doctor or even your nutritionist is the best guide for you regarding dietary health issues. It is advisable to seek expert advice before deciding on consuming multivitamins.
  2. With food or on an empty stomach: Certain vitamins when consumed on an empty stomach are likely to cause problems of digestion or upset the gastrointestinal system to the extent of causing diarrhoea. It is, therefore, better to consume that multivitamin with food. Guidance from your healthcare service provider will be the deciding factor.
  3. Food type: We consume various food types like food low in fat, high in fat calories, rich in carbohydrates or proteins, etc. Certain vitamins need a diet that is having fat calories to give you the optimum benefit as these vitamins are absorbed better in presence of fat calories. Example: Vitamins like A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble vitamins that need the presence of fat for their optimum absorption into our body. When the absorption is good, the benefits are maximum. Thus, if you consume a multivitamin supplement that has these fat-soluble vitamins on an empty stomach or with your food that has minimal fat calories, your body will not absorb the fat-soluble vitamins completely which will defeat the very purpose of your taking that vitamin supplement.
  4. Choose the best time: When to take multivitamin tablets so that you get all the benefits out of it? The time of day that you are choosing to take the multivitamin makes a big difference in getting the most out of your vitamin supplement. Better take the vitamins like D, C, and B vitamins in the morning hours. Magnesium and vitamin B3 are better absorbed when taken in the evening time or before going to bed.

Let us understand even more about individual vitamins and other nutrients and when to take multivitamin tablets.

Vitamin A

The health of your eyes, reproductive system, and other vital organs are influenced by this fat-soluble vitamin. It also helps maintain a good mood and supports the development of a good memory. Cell renewal is another important role of this vitamin and thus it helps in maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin A supplement can be taken anytime-either morning or evening with the presence of fat in the food. Take vitamin A with a meal and it will reap you all the benefits.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is termed as a sunshine vitamin and you get it naturally from exposure to the sun. It is needed in maintaining good health in the following ways:

  • Absorption of calcium into the bones to make them stronger is a major role of this vitamin.
  • Is an immune system booster and reduces inflammation.
  • Its deficiency might cause depression. It helps us maintain a good mood.
  • Keeps skin and membranes young.
  • Maintains good health of nerves.

Consuming Vitamin D is with a meal having some fat helps in absorption as this is a fat-soluble vitamin. As vitamin D is likely to interfere with sleep, it is advisable not to take it too late in the day.

Vitamin E

A well-known antioxidant, Vitamin E protects the body tissues from the attack of free radicals and helps fight the development of diseases. It protects the skin against the harmful effects of UV rays from the sun. Healing of wounds is facilitated by this vitamin. Being a fat-soluble vitamin, take it with a meal that has some fat content. You can have this vitamin at any time of the day.

Vitamin K

This fat-soluble vitamin can be taken any time of the day. Vitamin K helps in blood clotting, building strong bones, improving insulin sensitivity, etc.

Vitamin C

This is a water-soluble vitamin that helps in boosting our immunity. It helps in keeping a good mood and flushes out lactic acid from the muscles that are strained during physical activity. You can consume this vitamin at any time of the day.

B Vitamins:

Brain health is dependent on the group of these eight B vitamins. These B vitamins are Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. It is advisable to take B vitamins in the morning.

Vitamin B6

Mood regulating neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin need vitamin B6 for their synthesis. People deficient in this B vitamin might experience depression and anxiety.

Vitamin B9

Homocysteine is a hormone. It plays a major role in mental health. It is also responsible for the feeling of wellness. The vitamins B9, B12, and B6 regulate the hormone homocysteine.

Vitamin B12

The production of red blood cells is one of the major roles that Vitamin B12 plays in maintaining our health. It also has a role in keeping our body healthy in multiple ways. When there is a deficiency of this vital vitamin, a person is likely to feel a loss of energy and a feeling of fatigue might develop.

Vitamin B3

This B vitamin has multiple benefits and one of them is to help you get good sleep.


Iron helps in developing healthy haemoglobin which is a protein found in the red blood cells of the body. The vital function of carrying oxygen and to all parts of our body is attributed to this protein. Iron can be taken with food and it is generally not advised to be taken on an empty stomach.


Magnesium is a necessary nutrient that supports the health of bones, nerves, muscles. It helps in maintaining the rhythm of the heart and supports blood glucose control. The enzymatic function which regulates many important processes in our body is also influenced by magnesium. It can be consumed with meals during any time of the day.


We came to know about the role of this mineral during the covid time. Its important role in building the immunity of our body is now known to all of us. Zinc is also needed for the normal growth of a child right from pregnancy. This nutrient can be consumed anytime.


Calcium is a major constituent of our bones and is majorly responsible for bone health. It helps keep our teeth, nerves, and muscles in top condition. It is also needed in important metabolic functions. It is good to take calcium during any meal.

When to take multivitamin tablets or the best time to take multivitamins if followed will lead to getting maximum benefits out of the nutritional supplements that you will be or are taking. It is always advisable to consult your doctor about the multivitamins or any other dietary supplements that you want to start taking for maintaining your good health.