1) I have terrible leg pain due to low back pain and physiotherapist says its because of weak gluts..doing all rehab exercises but pain seems to be my constant companion. will this oil work?
Weak glutes is caused due to weak muscles. Therefore, exercise is best option to strengthen weak muscles. As regard to pain relief, you can use oil, it will help you. for convenience purpose, you can also use, RIDOMAXX RELIEF CAPSULE.
2) Does it work for neck pain due to Spondylosis? Pl respond. Thnx.
3) Is it used for tennis Elbow ?
Tennis Elbow is due to over use of muscles and tendons in the elbow. Ridomaxx Ortho Oil will surely help you, but you will also have to take precaution and minimize pressure on Elbow muscles and tendons.
4) My mom is 70 yrs old & has been suffering from extreme knee pain and osteoarthiritis. She is also diabetic, has uric acid and high pressure. Can she use it without having any side effect?
I think, you should be trying to reduce uric acid first. Reduction in Uric acid will also bring down pain. With RIDOMAXX Ortho Oil, there are no side effects as such. But recommend that you may speak to doctor first and assess exact cause of pain. There might be multiple reasons.
5) I have knee pain…is it useful and effective?
It will be useful.
6) Is it applicable for peripheral neuropathy burning, tingling?
You may need Vitamins to address it. Please check your B12 and D3 levels and take this issue seriously. See your doctor with reports.
7) Is it good for stiff knees pain?
It will help relieve pain. We recommend you to take Ridomaxx Relief Capsule along with oil.
8) I have back pain at L4,L5- it triggers at time and its very painful. Can I use this??
L4 & L5 is a physio-mechanical problem and it needs extensive physio-therapy and precautions. With RIDOMAXX ORTHO Oil, you might get symptomatic relief, but treating root cause of the difficulty you are facing is important. If left untreated, it will lead to difficulties as one age. Therefore, i suggest that you should speak to good physiotherapist and take his advice before buying oil. You can also speak to Ciro Practitioner as many times, you get benefit from Ciro Practitioner as well.
9) My both leg and hip have pain due to slip disc L4,L5, and S1, can I use the product for relief ?
In your case, pain relief is symptomatic treatment, whereas you need long term resolution of the difficulty you are facing. I think, you will need long term Physio therapy to get it corrected. If this problem is not because of any accident or if you have not consumed any steroidal drugs for any kind of treatment, then I would also suggest that you check your bone mineral density as well. Do speak to your doctor before taking up any test. Thank you!
10) Sir ,I am 58 years old. I am suffering back pain is very extreme. pain in the left side. Pain refer low portion in the leg. Can I use this product?
I sense that it is sciatica nerve pain that is radiating downwards from pelvis (Lower Back). Therefore, need to figure it out before we advise.
11) Frequently suffer from knee pain due to osteoarthritis. Can this product be used?
Ridomaxx Ortho Oil will help you reduce pain alone. Note that in Osteoarthritis of Knee, Joint cartilage gets damaged and loose its ability to provide cushion between the joint. Pain is a symptom of underlying cause and hence you also need treat the cause. Therefore, please speak to your Doctor to address the core of the problem.
12) How to USE?
It is a ROLL-On bottle. Just Roll the bottle on affected area and massage it for few minutes.
13) I have knee pain on the side of the knees while sitting on the floor. I am 59 years old and having diabetes. Whether your product is useful for me?
it will be useful irrespective of age. Most of the consumer this days are diabetic.
14) I have low back pain. Can i use this oil. Cost please.
yes. You can
15) How about arthritis pain for thigh and feet. Any oil recommendations ?
Muscular pain of Thigh and Calf Muscles can be reduced by Ridomaxx Ortho Oil.
If u are experiencing calf muscle pain alone and if it pains even while you go to bed or you feel cramps in the calf muscle area, then it is an indication of nutritional deficiency and in particular, VITAMIN E Deficiency. I think, you should speak to your physician before self medication. Ridomaxx Ortho Oil will help reduce pain, but it is not a long term solution for your ailment. If you can share your mobile number, we will reach out to you to understand more about nature of pain.
16) Have you done any patients trial to check if it damages kidney? Now a days even some face creams damages kidneys.
Sir, product contains Pure, Potent & Effective Oils of SESAME, GINGER and GAULTHERIA and it is for External Applications only. So far, there is no reported side effects on Kidneys.
17) Does it work in arthritis
It can help reduce pain.
18) Does it work in arthritis
it can help reduce pain.
19) Can the oil work on sciatica pain?
Sciatica pain is a nerve pain and it runs through entire limb till toes. If there is specific location of pain, then oil is recommended – but if pain runs throughout entire limb, application of oil is inconvenient. However, RIDOMAXX Ortho Oil is helpful in reducing pain.
20) I have huge pain in my feet and ankle joint also. Will it work?
It will surely give you relief from pain.
21) My father is 75 years old and he is suffering with knee pain and he has diabetes also so I know it will be useful for him. Can u please suggest it is useful for diabetic patients?
Knee pain is a complex problem. Can you let us know the location of pain – sides of the knee, middle of the knee or upper portion of the knee, etc., Based on that we can advise. Note that Pain is a symptom of underlying disease. Therefore, it is advisable to identify the cause. You can use Ridomaxx Ortho Oil for symptomatic treatment for any age group. Diabetes is not an issue. But since he is diabetic, i think, he might be facing pain or cramps in calf muscles. I would recommend that you also take advise of your doctor. For your convenience, you can also go through product guide where you will find various symptoms to relate with the pain of your dad.
22) I am osteoarthritis patient and very very pain on my knees so I used it?
A) If it is OSTEOARTHRITIS, you will also need to try Ridomaxx Knee Care along with Ridomaxx Ortho Oil. Osteoarthritis is joint degenerative disorder and need to provide support for cartilage. Ridomaxx Knee Care is first line of option, if it fails to give you result, then you will need advance options. However, i suggest that before buying any product, you should seek consultation of your doctor.
23) I have knee pain while running and after 15 days intervew how long it will take to arrive
It helps reduce pain
24) Is it really useful for Rheumatoid Arthritis??pls let me know.
Rheumatoid arthritis is auto-immune disease that causes Pain, Swelling and bone and lining erosion. Ridomaxx Ortho Oil may help you in reducing pain and inflammation, but we suggest that you get it evaluated with your Doctor and Physiotherapist to minimize issues as you age.
25) My grandfather have nerve pain. So is it useful for this pain???
Nerve pain has multiple causes and one of the common cause if Nutritional deficiency and in case he is diabetic, then you must check with your doctor. We don’t recommend it for nerve pain.
26) My knee ACL is 90% damaged. But I normally walk and activities. Night time is pain I use this oil or not
yes… you can use.
27) I am suffering from reactive arthritis,can I use it?
Do you have any other infections in body..? One of the reason for Reactive Arthritis is Urinary Tract infection, eyes, etc., If yes, then it is good to treat the infection – in case, you do not have any infections, then you can try Ridomaxx Ortho Oil for symptomatic PAIN Relief.
28) Will it cure frozen shoulder???
It helps relieves pain
29) It will work on Ankolyzing Spondilys
Sir, it will help relieve pain.
30) Can it be use for paralysis patient?
This oil is also used by Spa for massage. Don’t know if it will be of any help in Paralysis.
31) What about the nerve pinch pain under the knee?
Since you saying that pain is like pinch, i suppose, you will need Physiotherapy to treat nerve compression. If it is not a pinch like pain and pain is radiating thru your limb till toe, then there are other reasons to it.
32) Any steroid used ?
No steroids used.
33) Does it can uses in ACL Sprain
It helps in reducing pain, but you need to avoid putting pressure on knee. You might also need a knee cap. Application of oil will will help, but takes 3-4 days time with at least twice application daily.
34) can i use for my shin pain?? as i run so it pains very hard
Yes..it may help
35) Wheather pain will go Due to Obesity
Obesity is one of the factor as it puts extra pressure on knee and leading to knee pain – but there can be multiple reasons as well. Ridomaxx Ortho Oil will help you reduce your pains.
36) My mom is suffering from rheumatoid arthritis with back (spinal) pain…is this oil useful for her?
Rheumatoid arthritis is a auto immune disorder and need proper treatment – please speak to your doctor. As regards to pain, RIDOMAXX ORTHO OIL will help you reduce your pain.
37) I am 58 years and suffering from stage four osteoarthritis. Can it be useful for me?
stage four osteoarthritis – can’t assure you. May be you can try.
Ridomaxx (verified owner) –
Excellent! Now no need to use allopathic pain killers
sunaina_poddar –
its genuinely a nice product which gives you relief from pain.